When I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw at least twelve strollers lining the hallway around an open door. Strollers!? Was there a walking portion to this class I didn’t know about? I left my stroller in the car! Should I go get it?? But then I looked at my watch and noticed we were 45 minutes late. Maybe not. I took a deep breath and entered the room.

Continue reading “JAPANESE SCHOOL: PART TWO”


And that’s how I found myself sitting in my truck staring at the water down by the river eating an Arby’s roast beef sandwich…

I’ve been feeling very confident these days. Everything has been going really well. Ellie has been napping great, behaving at the grocery store, and even having fun at swim class. We’ve been playing outside, porch sittin’, going for walks, and having play dates. She’s just been so much fun lately. We even went out for pancakes the other day, just the two of us, followed by a little stroll downtown with her holding my hand as we walked. So with everything going so great lately, I felt like I could handle anything. Japanese school? Bring it!

Continue reading “JAPANESE SCHOOL: PART ONE”


Having a kid is like predicting the weather.  You can make a good guess on how a day or week might be, but that’s all it’ll be; a guess.  You can bring out the Doppler radar, analyze the infrared graphs and check the barometer.  You can plan your week, or day, around the evidence you’ve compiled, but you’ll most likely be wrong.  And be wrong for no reason.



With Ellie being a halvsies kid, Aya and I want her to be bilingual and bicultural.  But with Aya gone during the weekdays, I was beginning to worry that maybe she wasn’t getting equal time with the Japanese language.  At the same time I was also looking for something new to do with Ellie.  The repetitive winter routine had gotten, well… repetitive.  I had looked into a baby swim class, but I felt it was too expensive for what it was.  Plus, I don’t like wearing shorts let alone a swimsuit.  So I started researching for a Japanese story time in the area, and I found one! Continue reading “SHIKKAKU! (FAIL!)”


Ellie and I did an eleven week course “baby time” in the fall.  The winter break was over and the classes were starting again, but she had graduated to the “walkers” group.  I was so excited for this to start.  It was a little earlier in the day which would work better for her potential nap.  The first day of class arrived and I was ready.  Or so I thought.  My excitement quickly turned to panic once we arrived in the parking lot. Continue reading “BABY STEPS”