Fried Green Tomato Burgers w/ Avocado Fries

So, I’ve been wanting to make this super fantastic dessert forever. But it looked too awesome and spectacular to make just for fun. It was a mixture of cookie batter, Oreos, and brownie batter all topped with ice cream and hot fudge. It looked so rich and intense we wanted to thoroughly enjoy it. So we invited our friends over for what we called a food-porn dinner. The main event would be the dessert, but we needed a meal to go with it, but not outshine it.

Aya came across this burger recipe and insisted we try it. The bottom layer was thousand island dressing, then the burger pattie, then pepper jack cheese, fried green tomato, then topped with bacon (we used turkey bacon to lighten it up to save more room for dessert). Wow, what a blend of flavors and textures. And then the baked avocado fries as a side were a nice change from fries or sweet potato wedges. Light and crispy. Light enough to leave room for the main event! Ultimate Chocolate Chip n’ Oreo Fudge Brownie Bars!


Fried Green Tomato Burgers

Baked Avocado Fries