It’s kind of funny that you can go your whole life knowing somebody but not really know them.  For example, Andy’s birthday is the day before mine.  I don’t know how long it took me to realize that.  Or maybe I knew at one point but then I forgot.  But either way, I didn’t like that even though I had tons of fun with these people, (yeah, these people) that I didn’t know some details about them.  So I made sure I learned a few extra things about them while they were here.

For example, Stacy doesn’t like milk, or vanilla ice cream.  Her favorite is chocolate soft serve.  Not to mention, she used to have rose colored glasses with her initials on them.  And one of Natalie’s favorite vegetables is celery.  Celery?  That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that.  Andy had the lamest top three vegetables ever, but I already kind of figured that. (he’s a picky eater)  Max wants to be an actor or a homicide detective when he grows up.  I told him he should become an actor for a crime drama, that way he could be both.  Sara said her favorite color was turquoise.  Whitney likes BBQ chicken pizza and Bill likes white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.  There were also a large number of people in the group who selected cantaloupe to be in their top three favorite fruits.  David used to live in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  I ate a cheese burger in Chattanooga once and I told him that.

I also learned that it’s not just my mom that makes me uncomfortable when I hear the word penis.  Natalie does too.  Natalie works in the healthcare industry for nursing homes and assisted living facilities.  I’m used to her talking about BMs and bed pans.  But she was sharing a story about a patient, AKA Dr. Dribbles, who has a hard time controlling himself when nature calls.  I don’t know who requested what, but she told a long story about Dr. Dribbles and his penis clamp.  Ahhh!  Did I just here that!?  It was like having two moms saying penis in stereo!  Aya just laughed.  I overhead the guys in the other room talking about something much less uncomfortable, but sounded way more boring.  I decided to stay where I was.  Eventually the subject of the SheWee came up.  It was inevitable.

Needless to say, it was a great weekend.  We mallwalked, we ate, we went to a game, we ate, we porch sat, we ate, we had a late night Steak N’Shake run, and we ate.  It was a good time.  Even Pat and Andy got to go to the gun range with their dads.  While they were shooting real guns, David, Kristen, and I stayed back with the kids and watched Max shoot zombies on Wii.  We just kept chanting, “Shoot em! Shoot em!”

It also took me all weekend to realize why I kept hearing the term Rose Bud.  With two people named Matt, and one named Max, it was easy to get confused who was talking to whom.  So Whitney started calling me Rose Bud.  She said that because my last name is Dudzinski, it makes her think of Dud, and that makes her think of Rose Bud.  Max said Dud made him think of Stud, but he didn’t want to call me that and make me overconfident.  Thanks for looking out for me Max, I appreciate it.

And just like that, it was Sunday morning and our friends were wrapping up to go home.  But not before we ate more food together.  And nothing says first meal of the day like Mexican food!   There is this place they liked to eat at when they lived here in Michigan called Amigos.  So 18 people were lined-up on a Sunday morning in front of Amigos waiting for the doors to open.  Table for 18 please.

We’ll see you all next year, down in Kentucky.  We may not go coning, but you better believe we’ll go Waffle Housing.  Miss you guys already.  See you next year!

*Porch sittin’ and large group photos were taken by my dad.


  1. as aya likes to say – this made my heart happy 🙂 verrrrrry happy.

    chocolate soft serve IN A CUP (no cones please)… with a sprinkle of sunflower seeds on top!! and on a realllllly good day – sunflower seeds AND kiwi!! 🙂 — yep, kiwi, as in the fruit!

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