What a difference this journey has been.

Chloe Miki.
I am actually cherishing all the little things.

Putting my face right up to hers and smelling her sweet milk breathe. (I literally put my nose right in front of her mouth) Feeling the full, softness of her cheeks against my lips when I kiss them over and over. How her entire body nestles right into the cradle of my arm. The weight and warmth of her tiny body resting on my chest. Washing off the lint that collects in her neck folds. Watching her eyelashes grow longer each day. Noticing the shade of brown her hair is in the sunlight.(it’s lighter than her sister’s) Feeling her strong grip around my finger. How she rolls her eyes right before she passes out in her milk coma. The adorable blister on her upper lip from nursing. The way she curls up the corner of her mouth to give me the sweetest smile. All her coos, squeaks, grunts, and even her cries. I LOVE THEM ALL.



You may have known her as Baby Bunnee, Ellie knows her as Sister Bear, but we call her Chloe Miki (美希)(Her middle name means “beautiful hope” in Japanese).

Born at 12:09am, 7lbs 8oz, 19.75 inches long.

Happy Birthday Chloe! Continue reading “INTRODUCING…”


Dear Bunnee,

This is Daddy. You haven’t heard much from me yet. I haven’t been able to spend as much time with you like I did with your sister when she was in mama’s belly. We didn’t have the listening nights of Mozart, the Beatles, and Stevie Wonder like I wanted to. But you know what? It’s ok, because really soon (I mean really soon) we’re going to be spending so much time together. We are actually on our way to meet you! And pretty soon I’ll be rocking you in my arms while we listen to music on the “outside.” I’m so excited to have this experience and for you to have a birthday story that’s all your own. And so far it’s off to a good start!

xoxo Daddy Continue reading “THE BUNNEE BUMP: WEEK 41”


Dear Bunnee,

We get to meet you soon! I hope I was able to keep you warm, safe, and comfortable. I hope you were able to get everything you need from mama to be as healthy and strong as possible. It’ll be a scary transition to come outside from the safety of mama’s belly, but sooo many people are excited to meet you, and you are going to be loved SO much! I’m going to miss having you in my tummy and feeling your kicks, your yoga stretches, your hiccups…but I CAN’T WAIT to hold your tiny body in my arms and feel your warmth against my chest.
We’ll see you soon!

xoxo Mama

Continue reading “THE BUNNEE BUMP: WEEK 40”


Dear Bunnee,

My belly is so tight that I can no longer tell the difference between a Braxton Hicks contraction, and you moving. Mama had a prenatal massage today and the massage therapist was convinced you were coming out this weekend. She said “wow, she’s trying to touch the ceiling!” while mama was lying down. I’m excited to meet you, but I’d be lying if I said mama’s not nervous either. But I know it’s going to be a lot of work for you too. One thing I know for sure; I know we’re going to make a good team together.

xoxo Mama

Continue reading “THE BUNNEE BUMP: WEEK 39”